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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
5 de marzo de 2021

8M, a day in which it is important to support any action that is helping forge an inclusive world

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
10 de febrero de 2021

With this conversation between Maya, a 13 years old girl with an expertise woman in the VR industry, Nonny de la Peña, we want to recognize the critical role of women and girls in the technology community.

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
3 de enero de 2021

The Women and Girls STEM program aim to eliminate gender stereotypes and to attract girls and young women to the STEM field.

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
25 de noviembre de 2020

In Virtualware, we are strongly committed to join any imitative that rejects violence

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VR Center Virtualware UTR
  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
4 de noviembre de 2020

Nissan visits the Virtual Reality Center at El Retoño University of Technology

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VIROO Virtualware Conalep
  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
27 de octubre de 2020

Education is driving the future of Virtual Reality Technology

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
9 de octubre de 2020

UTR teachers will be ready to integrate VR into their lesson plans

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
11 de septiembre de 2020

Virtualware and UTR officially opened the world’s big VR Center

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
4 de mayo de 2020

Virtualware Launches A New Webinar Series To Face Post-Covid Economy Challenges

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  • Virtualwareco Team
  • Posted by Virtualwareco Team
18 de septiembre de 2019

Unite is the Unity’s annual learning conference where creativity and technology converge.

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