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New Webinar Series To Face Post-Covid Economy Challenges

The current pandemic has changed the way we work forever. Physical and Virtual are coming together to redefine the workspace, generating big interest in how virtual reality technology can help companies face the new economy challenges.

That is why today we are launching a new webinar series “Be The Champion In Digital Transformation Utilizing The Power Of Virtual Reality”.  The main goal is to spread the potential benefits VR technology can offer throughout the company.

The kick-off webinars are on May 12 (Spain) and May 14 (Europe and North América), where Virtualware experts across engineering, training, and marketing, will offer 30” conference on “Top 3 Ways Virtual Reality Immersive Rooms Save Time and Money In The New Economy”. Attendees will learn how virtual reality is already working to save top companies, time and money, and how they can utilize this technology to benefit them and their team in the new economy.

Virtualware Webinar Series continues with a FREE webinar discussing the future world´s best leaders, utilizing the power of immersive technologies on May 28, 5pm CEST.  Discover how virtual reality immersive rooms are transforming education, giving educational institutions the best tools to help teachers guide their students towards more consistent and complete learning to succeed in the real world.

In the health sector, (on June 17, 5pm CEST) we explore how to engage healthcare professionals in scientific meetings, no longer onsite events, using an interactive and attractive tool that improves motivation, communication and teamwork: VirtualClinic.

If you missed any webinar you are interested in, please contact us for the replay.

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[gem_button position=»center» style=»outline» size=»medium» corner=»5″ border=»2″ icon_pack=»elegant» text=»CONTACT US FOR REPLAY» link=»|title:Contact%20us||»]
Virtualwareco Team
Virtualwareco Team

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